目前分類:GhostStory 恐怖鬼话 (6)

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Its been a long time that I didn't share Ghost Story with you guys. You guys always watch Japan Ghost Movie likes Ju-On, Korean Ghost Movie likes The Red Shoes, Hong Kong Ghost Movie likes The Eyes , Thailand Ghost Movie likes Alone, ghost game ( Nice )...Then you guys ever watch Malaysia Ghost Movie before or not? (5 of April)Recently have one Malaysia Ghost Movie - Jangan Pandang Belakang Don't look at the back. The title is very cool and scary, how about its movie? I remember I had read one newspaper, I forget what newspaper is that d, which listed the top scary ghost movie. So, if give you guess, which ghost movie will you guess is in the first ranking? Definitely, you will not to choose Malaysia Ghost Movie rite? Unfortunately, the first ranking is by Malaysia Ghost Movie - Jangan Pandang Belakang.

The Eyes
Never watch before...

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Hard to believe?
what to do?
Believe it or not...Check it out Ghost On Tape~

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1 : 晚上上廁所時千萬不要看馬桶裏的倒影,因爲那是你死的樣子,如果是老人還可以,如果是你現在的樣子的話,那說明你的生命。。。。。。

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1. 經過墳墓須問候借過。 我想這是最基本的常識,就跟你去野外方便要說「借光」是一樣的。
2. 手電筒不要到處亂照,尤其是樹,因為很多"那個"喜歡藏在樹上。 這說法我沒聽說,不過夜遊時我的手電筒一定不會亂照。但在許多靈異V8裡,很多靈異現象大多在樹上發生,所以這種說法也不得不信,尤其樹上多以吊死的…………。
3. 不要穿戴有自己姓名的衣物,若結伴最好互叫綽號。 這是為了防止被「那個」呼喚自己的名字,一但被呼喚千萬別回頭,當作沒聽到,否則………。
4. 不要拍朋友的頭及肩。 因為人有三把火在頭和雙肩,少一把便不"完"人,很容易被上身。

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