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kennethlwc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


今天经过一栋大楼门口,门口有一提款机。有一个老伯,一直看著我走过他身边,突然叫住我。他说他不识字,拿一张提款卡要我帮他在大楼门口的自动提款机取钱。我回答我无法帮你取,叫警卫帮你。结果,他就回答我说不用了 ,继续找其他路人帮他取钱。朋友们要记住---取款机可是有摄影机耶。万一他说我抢劫或是偷他的提款卡,甚至他的卡片是偷来的,帮他领钱会在提款机留下影像,绝对会让你百口莫辩!我会警惕!

是因为已有同事上当,目前仍官司缠身。显然这是诈骗集团在找替身了 ! 请力传出去~~~

kennethlwc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

1.Dual-Screen Cell Phone
Dual-Screen Cell Phone
Alloy Total Product Design's "The Polygon" boasts two displays: a standard high-resolution display for viewing data and a touchscreen for accessing menus, etc

kennethlwc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Still remember a post in my blog which is about "Malaysia 'Super Diao' rapper?
Look at the latest new of this Malaysia's rapper in "Dong Fang Ri Bao" last few days ago....Said that, Government has taken action on him…It is very sigh. Because he is our hero~~ :-(

kennethlwc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

A new tracking device has been introduced in the marketplace that is a huge danger to anyone who uses a pc that is not theirs. I believe PC users should be more familiar with the picture rite? Small? Very Small? Useful?
Don't look the thing which is very small and thought it is very useless. Because you do not know what such a small devices can function as recognition. The user who put this tracker in line, leaves it there and set amount of time and then retrieves it. This small tracker, able to track every input from keyboard..it is so amazing...They can then download the data onto their PC.

wow...really look like normal...can you see any different?

kennethlwc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Recently, thr are a lot of cases committed by Hong Kong people, and i had found some clips from youtube im not sure whether you guys had watched them before o not so i just share them again, hopefully you guys will keep in mind that 'there is no free lunch in this world'

kennethlwc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()

kennethlwc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

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